Friday 13 February 2015

Simple Natural Ways To Get Your Kids To Eat Breakfast Daily

A perfect breakfast should consist of carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals. Proteins are the building blocks of the body that help to regenerate new cells. The breakfast should also contain enough iron and folic acid as the inadequacy can lead to anemia. Calcium will help to strengthen the bones and teeth. Kids tend to be prone to bone injury as they are active throughout the day and play around. Weak bones will lead to fracture and calcium will ensure the strengthening of bones. It might seem like a challenge as kids crib a lot and are picky about food. These simple breakfast ideas will help to give a great boost to the morning.

The idea of multi-grain pancake or whole-wheat pancake made out of healthy flour is better breakfast option. The pancakes can be made into different shapes and sizes to attract the kids; it should be tossed with cherry sauce. It can be tossed with maple syrup. This is ideal breakfast idea as the popular way to get your kids to eat breakfast.

Homemade Recipes
Semolina can be pan roasted with 1 tablespoon of butter and cardamom. This should be added to soy milk or warm water. Jiggery syrup or honey should be added to it. It should be served as perfect breakfast and simple way to get your kids to eat breakfast. You can also try fruit salsa cinnamon crisps recipe.

Rice balls can be made mashing rice with favorite vegetables like potatoes, peas and carrots. This should be mixed with spices and olive oil. It should be pan-fried in olive oil. It can be shallow fried or baked. This can be served with chutney or tomato sauce. It will help to provide the kids with carbohydrates and proteins. Minerals and vitamins can be provided through vegetables. It is effective natural way to get your kids to eat breakfast.

The use of coconut shredded with semolina and honey and warm water is healthy. It should be made into small balls. It helps to provide proteins and vitamins. Nuts and fruits can also be added to it. It is natural way to get your kids to eat breakfast. You can also try no bake banana pudding recipe.

It can be a problem for few kids to eat breakfast because they just aren't hungry when they are awake. It will be useful to wake up kids 15 to 20 minutes early so they can have enough time for breakfast. This will make them hungry for breakfast and want to eat without rushing for snacks in the afternoon to fill their stomach. It is simple technique and easy way to get your kids to eat breakfast.

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